Major Predisposing Factors to Utilization of Traditional Birth Attendants by Expectant Mothers in Mombasa County, Kenya

The role of Traditional Birth Attendants
(TBAs) in improving maternal health has been heavily debated, especially in the
focus on Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 5. The use of TBAs is still high in Kenya;
TBAs attend to 28% of all births, relatives attend to 21% of births, and 7% give
birth without any assistance. Up to 90% of these maternal and infant deaths are
caused by obstetric complications that are preventable. Understanding the factors
that contributes to high utilization of TBAs among Kenyan in spite of the free maternity
being offered is very important. Hence, this study aimed at determining and ascertaining
the critical predisposing factors to utilization of TBAs by expectant mothers in
Mombasa County, Kenya. The study adopted a survey research design and was conducted
among expectant mothers using semi-structured questionnaire and interview guide.
Data was collected from June to September, 2017. Multinomial logistic regression
analyses were used to identify factors associated with utilization of TBAs by expectant
mothers. Data was analysed using R (version 3.4.3). The study recruited 370 (96.4%)
out of the expected 384 respondents. Various factors such as TBAs live among the
community, poverty, culture, facilities being far, fear of harassment by nurses,
number of children delivered. To improve the utilization of Skilled Birth Attendants
(SBA) services, our finding suggests implementation of strategies like need to improve
infrastructure and adequate maternal health services, also improving the staffing
and motivation levels for health personnel
Keywords: Predisposing factors, Traditional Attendants, Skilled Attendants,
Maternal Health, Mombasa County.