Risks Assessment Before Pregnancy: A Healthy Mother and Baby After Delivery

assessment before pregnancy is one of the interventions during Preconception care
(PCC) that would improve the outcome of pregnancy.
A quantitative descriptive non-experimental approach was used to examine the use
of preconception interventions in health centres in Blantyre urban.
The study assessed the PCC men and women of child bearing age have to ensure a healthy
mother and baby after pregnancy. The objectives were to: explore and describe the
knowledge men and women of childbearing age have on HTSP and PCC, identify variables
that influence men and women to acquire appropriate knowledge on PCC. The study
included 300 men and women of child bearing age that attended outpatient clinics
for various minor ailments like underfive, family planning and gyneacological clinic
who were between 18 to 35 years. Structured questionnaire was used to gather data
and descriptive statistics were used to analyse data using SPSS version 20. Kruskal
Wallis test and Chi square was used to determine the relationship of specific variables
to use of PCC. Most of the respondents were not assessed for chronic problems that
would interfere pregnancy like diabetes, hypertension, aneamia and malnutrition.
Only 30% were checked for VDRL,43% were vaccinated from tetanus but 74% were assessed
for HIV test. Chronic diseases would be controlled before pregnancy to minimize
adverse effects of pregnancy like preterm labour, preeclampsia, intra uterine growth
retardation (IUGR) and neonatal infections. Universal education should be provided
to men and women of child bearing age to improve the understanding to have risk
assessments done before pregnancy.
Risk assessment; medical assessment; Maternal health; Newborn health; Unintended
BMI; Preconception care;
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