WHO Clinical Staging at Initiation of Community-based ART Services among Key Populations in Nigeria

Introduction: WHO clinical staging and or CD4 were used
as eligibility criteria for initiation and monitoring of patients on ART in Sub-Saharan
African. With health facility-based ART services, most patients in Sub-Saharan African
were initiated on ART at late WHO clinical staging. Data are lacking on the clinical
staging at the initiation of community-based ART services in Nigeria. This study
describes WHO clinical staging among key populations initiated on community-based
ART services using WHO test and treat guideline in Nigeria.
Methodology: This is a baseline data analysis of a longitudinal
study of all KPs who initiated community-based ART services in 7 states in Nigeria.
Time 1 data abstracted from facility records includes age and sex, marital, educational,
and employment status and WHO clinical staging at initiation.
Results: Eighty-two percent of participants were
initiated at early WHO clinical staging (1& 2). Among KPs, 85% of FSW were initiated
at the early stage, followed by MSM (75%) and then PWID (66%). More PWID (34%) were
initiated at the late stage (3&4) followed by MSM (25%) and FSW (15%). Factors
positively associated with early initiation include: being a female, sex partners
living together, unemployment and low educational status.
Conclusion: Community based ART services using test
and treat guideline will improve early initiation of KPs on ART services. However,
further study to identify reasons for late ART initiation among KPs is required
to support programme effort to achieve the UNAIDS 90-90-90 goals.
Keywords: HIV/AIDS,
key populations, community-based antiretroviral therapy, WHO clinical staging, test
and treat.
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