Reproductive Health Practices of Female Garment Workers

A cross sectional descriptive
study was carried out among the garments workers in two garments factory to assess
the reproductive health practices of female garment workers with structured questionnaire
by face to face interview. A total of two hundred female garment workers were selected
purposively in this area who were married within 18-45 years of age. The proportion
of women seeking abortion was 75%. Among 28 respondents who were pregnant, highest
proportion of them (89.3%) were under regular ANC in pregnancy. More than one third
(10.7%) of the respondent were not under regular ANC. Among the 28 respondents half
of the respondents (21.43%) did not take Tetanus vaccination and half (78.57%) took
tetanus vaccination. This study reflected different dimension in their reproductive
life, for improved their better standard. Large scale studies needed.
Keywords: Reproductive health practice, garment workers.
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