Pertussis Vaccine; the Past, the Present and the Future (A Mini Review)

The inception of the whole cell pertussis vaccine wP saw global reduction
in reported cases, mortality and morbidity burden to the disease. But, in the
late 90s, wP was replaced with acellular pertussis vaccine (aP) in most
countries due to safety reasons. In recent years however, the annual reported
cases of pertussis globally have increase greatly even among highly vaccinated
groups, 1; 2. This nurtures concerns about the level of protection aP bestows on the
vaccinated individuals, 2. The aim of this current mini review is therefore to assess some recent
reports and developments on the matter, evaluate how alarming the situation is
by comparing the present to the past and the recommendations for roadmap into
the future.
Methodology: Boolean search was carried out on popular sites like PubMed
and Google on publications and reviews on the topic.
Results: Some researchers have attributed the recent surge in reported
pertussis cases and deaths to reasons like waning of vaccine induced immunity,
inefficacy, resistant strain development and mutated forms in the pathogenic
Conclusion: For a successful control and eradication of the pertussis disease,
new strategies needed to be implemented to factor in the estimated waning
effect; 27% / year of 4 years in total reduction in efficacy. Multicomponent aP
vaccine (n˃3) has also been reported to be as effective as the wP vaccine hence
modification of the current aP vaccine or re-visiting of wP is can also be
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