Menstrual Hygiene Practices of Female Garment Workers

Readymade garment
sector has been playing an important role in enhancing Bangladesh economy.
Women represent 85 percent of the total 30 million employees in readymade garment
industry. A cross sectional descriptive study was carried out among the garments
workers with the objective to assess the menstrual hygiene practices of female
garment with structured questionnaire by workers. Majority of the respondents
were within the age group of 18-23 years. This study showed that only 30.5%
respondents were maintaining personal hygiene properly during menstruation and
12% satisfied about their washing facilities in their working place. This study
reflected different dimension in their reproductive life which were not upto
the level. It should be improved for better standard. Further large scale
studies needed to explore the real situation in this regard.
Keywords: Menstrual Hygiene practice, garment workers.
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