Perception of Refractive Error among Adolescents - A Pilot Study

Background: Several studies reported about the prevalence
of refractive error among children as well as various age group. Hardly any study
reported about the perception of refractive error among adolescents. The purpose
of the study was to examine the level perception regard to refractive error in adolescents,
rural region of India.
The aim of the study to find the level of perception of refractive error among adolescents,
Andhra Pradesh, India.
and Methods: A purposive sampling method was applied to choose 50 subjects aged
between 16 years to 18 years from the rural population of Andhra Pradesh were considered
for analysis. A self-designed questionnaire with open-ended and closed-ended questions
was designed to gather the participants' demographic data such as gender, age, majors,
socioeconomic status of the parent, as well as their perception toward refractive
error was analysed using a Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS 10.0.5)
(SPSS Inc. Chicago, USA).
A total of 50 participants' (n=50) responded to a five-point Likert's scale comprising
of 11test items. Out of the 11 test item, 5 item mean score found between 4.06 –
4.42 with SD ± 0.9 -1.3 showed consistently high responses as “strongly agree”.
Whereas, four-item mean score ranges from 3.18- 3.86 with SD ± 1.3-1.53 reflected
as "agree". Furthermore, 2 test items mean score 4.18-4.36 with SD ± 1.5-1.6
found the responses as "Neutral". However, there is no test item mean
score as "disagree" and "strongly disagree" reported by the
perception of refractive error among adolescents found to be poor in this study.
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