Students’ Problems, Locus of Control, Personality and Social Support as Predictors of Counseling Seeking Behavior of Adolescents in Senior High Schools in the Volta Region of Ghana
study investigated the role of students’ problems, locus of control,
personality and social support as predictors of counseling seeking behavior of
adolescents in senior high schools in Volta region, Ghana. A correlational
survey was the research designed for the study. Stratified proportional and simple
random samplings were used to select 300 students for the study but 218
questionnaires were retrieved for the study. The instruments used for data
collection were the Big Five Inventory (BFI), Rotter’s Locus of Control Scale, self-stigma
of help-seeking scale, Multi-dimensional scale of Perceived Social Support
Assessment, General Help-seeking Questionnaire and Students’ Problems
Inventory. Four hypotheses were tested. The findings and conclusions indicate
that there is significant correlation between students’ problems and
counseling-seeking behavior, locus of control positively and significantly
predicts all other study variables except self-stigma of seeking help which it
predicts negatively, a significant correlation exists between social support
and students’ problems and help-seeking behavior, adolescents with
conscientious personality with external locus of control will show a higher
counseling seeking behavior than adolescents with neurotic personality and
internal locus of control, adolescents with openness personality traits and
internal locus of control will show high counseling seeking behavior than
adolescents with agreeable and external locus of control. There is a
significant positive correlation between social support and counseling seeking
Adolescents, Personality, Locus of control, Social support, Help-seeking
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