The Human Immunodeficiency Virus sero-Prevalence and AIDS- Related Opportunistic Infection Patterns among Women with Retained Placenta in Eastern Tanzania

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJNR.2015.03.02.Art022

Authors : Admirabilis Kalolella


The objective of this study was to characterize women with Retained Placenta (RP) attending obstetric care in eastern Tanzania. We assessed the HIV sero-prevalence, then screened for medical conditions related to RP and described their AIDS related opportunistic infection patterns for the women that were HIV-sero-positive.

The cross sectional study design using medical questionnaires and self-report checklist was used to collect data. The study assessed if there is any relationship between retained placenta and HIV sero-status, and if sero -status and HIV opportunistic infection patterns has relationship with pregnancy outcome and other medical conditions related to pregnancy.

In our study, HIV sero-positive was detected in 105 out of 251 women (42%). HIV sero-positive women developed prolonged labor, 23(79.3%), significantly more often compared to HIV sero-negative women, 6 (20.6%), P value <0.0001. The HIV positive women are significantly more likely to develop Post- partum hemorrhage (P value= 0.0031) and to undergo Caesarian section compared to pregnant women without HIV (P value = 0.0113). The pregnant women under antenatal ARV Triple (B+) therapy are significantly more likely to end up with preterm delivery (P value= 0.0443). Women with HIV progressive symptoms of memory loss, depression, and other neurologic disorders had more underweight babies born (P- Value= 0.0316), while women with pneumonia developed vaginal tears more often during delivery (P- Value =0.0693).

In conclusion, RP is common among women with HIV. The prolonged labor is the major medical condition currently faced by HIV infected pregnant women during delivery. Women with HIV progressive symptoms are at risk to give birth to underweight baby and get vaginal tear during delivery. The current B+ ARV treatment during antenatal period has positively changed some the pregnancy outcomes among HIV infected pregnant women.

Keywords: Retained placenta, sero-positive, HIV sero-status, prolonged labor, HIV opportunistic infection patterns, pregnant women, Post-partum hemorrhage, B+ ARV triple therapy.


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