Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior on Overweight and Obesity, Health Consequence and Adaptation to Lifestyle Changes among Early Middle Age Medical and Non-medical Health Care Staffs of NMC Day Care Centre, Abu Dhabi, UAE

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJNR.2015.03.02.Art018

Authors : Anette Marina Rodrigues


This non-experimental descriptive cross-sectional survey explored the knowledge, attitude and behavior (KAB Survey) related to overweight and obesity its health consequence and ways to manage ideal body image and balanced weight with diet, exercise and lifestyle modification among medical and non-medical staffs belonging to origin Indian, Nepalese, Middle east and Philippines of NMC day care center, AL wadi, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Design and procedure: A non-experimental descriptive Random cross section study was conducted among (30) medical and non-medical staffs out of 120, who have joined the team for over a period of 1.5 to 2 years since 2014.  Two months convenient sampling was done using Semi-structured questionnaire. Qualitative and quantitative data analyzed through Content analysis and Health Behavior Knowledge Scale.15 questions, including open ended Questions, choose correct answer from four options and fill in the blanks was used as method to assess Health and Behavior Knowledge.

Results: The findings showed that Random Sampling of 30 Staffs, from 2014 and who stayed in UAE. 73.3% had normal BMI, 23.3% fall under Overweight, and 3.3% fall under Obesity. In 2016, the result showed 36.6% have normal, 46.6% Overweight, 10% Obese.  The results of knowledge on diet were as follows -73.3% had adequate information on diet and 26.6% lacked information on diet, whereas the attitude towards Overweight and Obesity, 66.6% were aware on negative health consequence and ways to handle them. With the knowledge on diet, 86.6% have adequate information on diet and 13.3% still have misconception on diet, whereas the attitude towards Overweight and Obesity was remarkable 100% were aware on negative health consequence and ways to handle them

The vast significance which was alarming was in area of exercise.33.3% had positive attitude towards exercise and 66.6% had negative attitude towards exercise. After training on Exercise for 1 month, results are as, 83.3% have positive attitude towards exercise, 13.3% have reduced weight and gained muscle strength through exercise and 16.6% have still misunderstood about concept of exercise.

The body Image Tool parameter results as follows using 9 figures, black and white of male and female, the current body image value is minimum shape of 4 (n=7), 5(n=7), 6(n=9), 7(n=3) to maximum shape 8 (n=1) and ideal body image minimum shape individuals want to attain,4(n=15), 5(n=6), to maximum shape 6(n=1), neutral (n=1)

Conclusion: The study reveals that individual have interest to follow correct pattern of diet, exercise and maintain their body image and control Overweight and Obesity, with minimum exercise of 30 minutes to 1hour every three days in a week. One more point comes into consideration is How to go about to attain measurable values to ideal Body weight and Image as long term goal.

Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior, Lifestyle, Diet, Exercise, Body Image


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