A Comparative Study to Determine the Knowledge and use of Breast Self-Examination Technic among Female Student Nurses at St. Lukes School of Nursing, Rufunsa. Zambia

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJNR.2015.03.02.Art014

Authors : Toddy Sinkamba


Breast cancer is the second common cancer after cancer of the cervix in women in Zambia. Although screening methods for breast cancer such as mammography has been shown to reduce mortality from breast cancer in developing countries where it is commonly used, the World Health Organisation (WHO) does not recommend it for use in developing countries because of it has cost implications. Instead, WHO recommends an alternative screening method called Breast Self-Examination for all women in the reproductive age group (15-49). The purpose of the study was to compare breast cancer knowledge, attitude and use of Breast Self-Examination among female student nurses in the reproductive age group (15-49). The study site was St. lukes nursing school Rufunsa district of the Lusaka province in Zambia. A total of 50 female student nurses participated in the study.

Keywords: Breast cancer, Breast Self-Examination practice, Breast cancer knowledge, student nurses in year 2 & 3, Mammography.


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