Societal Contribution to Incidence of Puerperal Psychosis in Federal Psychiatric Hospital, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria

The purpose of this study was to examine societal
contribution in incidence of puerperal psychosis in Federal Psychiatric hospital,
Calabar. In order to achieve this purpose, three research questions and three hypotheses
were formulated to guide the study. The descriptive survey research design was used
for the study. The population of study comprised all female psychiatric patients
suffering from puerperal psychosis in Federal Psychiatric Hospital, Calabar. A convenience
method of non-probability sampling was used to select sample for the study. This
was made possible with in-patients’ record from female wards in the hospital revealing
a total of 50 patients. Instruments used for collection of data were questionnaires
and face to face interview. The reliability of the instrument was established through
internal consistency technique using Cronbach Alpha Analysis. A reliability estimate
of 0.867 was obtained for the instrument. Chi-square statistical analysis was used
for testing the hypotheses. All the hypotheses formulated were tested at. 05 level
of significance. The result of the analysis revealed that acceptability of married
women by family does significantly contribute to puerperal psychosis. Again, denial
of pregnancy does significantly contribute to puerperal psychosis. Finally, the
result revealed that continuous delivery of same sex children does significantly
contribute to puerperal psychosis. Based on this findings, it was concluded that
society do contribute to incidence of puerperal psychosis in Federal Psychiatric
Hospital Calabar, Nigeria. It was therefore recommended that the media, traditional
leader and religious organisations should educate the citizens on the importance
of family members allowing married couples to live their life without undue intervention.
Lastly, Government should enforce legislation to punish any man who for one reason
or the other maltreats his wife.
puerperium, psychosis, tranquilizer
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