A Practical Guide in Health-Care Organizations in Nigeria Today
the two most often studied and empirically supported organizational factors
that can promote the acceptance of technology by the end users are training and
participation. The science of training is well established. Not surprisingly,
well designed training programs have been shown to promote end user acceptance
of technology. The key is to design the training program according to the
scientific evidence. Well designed training not only transfers knowledge and
skills about the technology, but it can also bring understanding of the technology
through education and can create feelings of involvement in decisions. In
addition, training can lead to several other important variables for the
acceptance of technology including self-efficacy and intrinsic motivation. This
paper reviews the theoretical knowledge on what leads to successful technology
implementation and how this can be translated into specifically designed
processes for successful technology change in Nigerian health-care organizations.
words: Safety, information technology,
patients, and health-care.
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