Attitude of Student Nurses and Midwives Towards Research: Study of Schools of Nursing and Midwifery Mkar, Gboko Benue State, North Central Nigeria
The research is a cross-sectional
descriptive survey conducted at school of Nursing and Midwifery Mkar, Gboko
Benue State, North Central Nigeria to study the attitude of student nurses and
midwives towards research study. The specific objectives of the study were: to
assess students’ knowledge on importance of research in client care, to
determine the attitude of students towards research study, to identify reasons
for frequent repetition of some research topics among students and to find out
barriers to effective research study among students. The study will help the
students to have positive look towards research thereby helping them to develop
a positive attitude towards research in order to maintain evidence base
practice in Nursing. Simple probability sampling technique was used in
selection of samples used for the study. Data were collected from the
respondents through self-structured and validated questionnaire. Data obtained
were presented and analyzed using frequency distribution table. Based on the
findings, all the students are aware of importance of research in client care
but attitudes towards research is unfavorable as most of the students believe
that research in general is difficult and time consuming, hence their cold
attitude towards research. This research also find out that one of the reasons
for frequent repetition of some research topics is because of excessive
academic workload which leave them with little time for research work. Based on
the findings, the following recommendations were made: that more time should be
allocated for research studies in nursing and midwifery schools, thus helping
the students develop interest in research; the students must also change their
attitude towards research in order to learn and practice evidence based
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