A Training Institution-Based Assessment of Choices and Perceptions of the Nursing Profession and Analysis of Career Progression Perspectives Among Final Year Nursing and Midwifery Students

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJNR.2015.10.02.Art002

Authors : Grace Asare


The nursing profession is crucial in healthcare, emphasizing patient-centered care to improve health at both individual and community levels. Nurses work collaboratively with physicians but also provide independent care to enhance patient outcomes. In Ghana, over 128 accredited institutions train nurses; however, enrollment often exceeds capacity, prompting calls for selective recruitment, infrastructure expansion, and greater use of preceptors. This multi-site, cross-sectional study explores why final-year students chose nursing, their views on the profession, and perspectives on career progression. Findings indicate that most students, primarily single, learned about nursing through family and friends. Many chose nursing early, often influenced by their parents and a lasting interest in the field. Students generally view nursing as a respected profession and believe job opportunities are accessible both locally and abroad, though it is not considered highly paid domestically. Some received career counseling before training, which affirmed their choice. Most plan to migrate within five years, favoring the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. Many students consider a genuine interest in nursing essential for success, express satisfaction with the profession, and would recommend it to others. Further research is needed to understand students' motivations and career plans more fully.


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