Effectiveness of Guidelines for Assistance for Lactation Cadres (PeKa ASI) for Postpartum Mothers in Increasing the Success of Breastfeeding Exclusive

So far, health cadres have been involved
in various activities of the maternal health and child planning program, but
the assistance of lactation cadres for postpartum mothers is still not active
because there are no guidelines for assisting lactation cadres (PeKa ASI) that
can be used. This study aimed to develop guidelines for PeKa ASI and assess
its effectiveness in increasing the success of exclusive breastfeeding. Experimental
research design. The population of all cadres of 2 villages in the Panekan
District area, a sample of 50 cadres using the PeKa ASI guidelines, and 50
cadres were not given treatment (conventionally using the Maternal and Child
Health book). The research variables are the guidelines for PeKa Breastfeeding
and the effectiveness of its use. The data collection instrument for PeKa ASI guidelines
is accompanied by a questionnaire and checklist. Descriptive and statistical
data analysis techniques of paired sample T Test, Independent Sample T Test on
normally distributed data and Wilcoxon Test and Mann Whitney Test on abnormally
distributed data. The results showed that the intervention group and the
control group could improve the knowledge and skills of health cadres (p-value
< 0.05) but could not improve the attitude of health cadres (p-value >
0.05). The PeKa ASI Guidelines are more effective in improving the knowledge,
attitudes and skills of health cadres than just using Maternal and Child Health
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