Level of Well-Being among School Going Adolescents

The adolescence state is the progressive transition from
childhood to adulthood. They have specific needs which vary with gender, life circumstances,
and socioeconomic level. In this stage, they suffer from various forms of problems
and conflicts, which ultimately impair normal development and move to a depressive
state. This study assessed the level of well-being among school-going adolescents
in the south region of Tamilnadu; The uni-variable, descriptive-
cross-sectional research design was adopted. Through the convenient sampling technique,120
school-going adolescents responded to the adolescent’s well-being questionnaire
(11-16 years) through online Google forms. The collected data were analyzed through
the SPSS package. In the results, the majority of school-going adolescents (77%)
were depressed and there is a significant association found between gender and grade
(P= 0.05%). The nursing fraternities of community and public health nurses and stakeholders
in the community take the initiation of remedial measures to support and promote
the mental health of adolescents.
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