Exploring Students’ Experiences of E-learning in Midwifery Course: A Qualitative Study Involving Nursing Students Taking Midwifery Course at Rusangu University

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJNR.2015.SE.21.01.Art005

Authors : Patricia Mambwe, Jordan Tembo


Digital teaching and learning sprouted as sparks of fire at different points with the traditional method of teaching and learning stone walling its presence and its ability to be appreciated. Following an unprecedented burst of COVI-19 pandemic, institutions of higher learning embraced digital learning extensively and seemingly forever. This study was launched for the purpose of exploring nursing students’ experiences of e-learning as they pursued Midwifery Course during the pandemic. The study used a cross-sectional design with a qualitative approach. A mixture of 60 third year and fourth year Nursing students taking Midwifery as a course participated in the study through 6 Focus Group discussions. The study found that students residing in rural places of the country faced challenges of poor internet connectivity due to weak signal strength. They could fail to participate during interactive virtual class due to uncharged electronic gadgets or interrupted session due to power outages. Some had neither Personal Computers nor a smart phone to enable them access learning materials. E-learning, in spite of institutions embracing it due to COVID-19 pandemic related reasons, it remains the quickest, widest and most efficient and effective way of teaching and learning with greater potential for being the future mainstay of learning. Telecommunication and electricity supply companies need to invest more in technology to enable lecturers and students access uninterrupted and reliable internet network because with technology advancement comes, a cultural shift from the traditional way of learning to the digitalized mode of learning.


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