Barriers to the Application of the Nursing Process in the Regional Hospital Bamenda-Cameroon

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJNR.2015.06.02.Art007

Authors : Loh Stanley Yuh, Kelly Zang Narthzereth


The nursing process remains one of the unique pillars that confer nursing autonomy as a profession. However, implementation of the nursing process in the Regional Hospital Bamenda remains a challenge. This study set to assess barriers to the application of the nursing process at the Regional Hospital Bamenda-Cameroon. The specific objectives were to determine the demographic factors of nurses; identify the institutional factors and to find out the socio-cultural factors that hinder the implementation of the nursing process. A cross sectional study was carried out using a convenient sample of 65 nursing staff. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires with Pearson reliability coefficient of 0.87. The data were analysed using SPSS. The study revealed that 68% of the participants did not know the steps of the nursing process. Advancing age and longevity of nurses; rejection and lack of support of nursing process, non- recognition of those who make an effort, inadequate monitoring; inadequate resources; and nursing peers, family, religion and culture hindered implementation of the nursing process. The nursing process was viewed by all participants as time-consuming and others, 92% as tedious. Implementation of the nursing process was found to be negatively affected by demographic institutional and sociocultural factors. Within the perspectives of this study, the nursing care plan needs to be vulgarized as a professional tool in the hospital, client satisfaction with nursing services evaluated and an observational study carried out using patients’ records to improve on the objectivity of this study.


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