Effects of Postoperative Care Program on Leg Pain and Functional Performance after Lumbar Spine Surgery

Main objective: To investigate the effects of postoperative care
program on leg pain and functional performance after lumbar spine surgery at Nakhon
Phanom Hospital.
Method: This
was experimental research used a pretest-posttest for the 2 groups, which was done
before and after to determine the effects of postoperative care program on leg pain
and functional performance after lumbar spine surgery. This study performed on 40
patients who received lumbar spine surgery. Data was collected using the numerical
rating scale and the postoperative functional performance questionnaire.
Results: The
findings showed that the experimental group who received postoperative care will
have reduced leg pain and better postoperative functional performance improvement
than the control group (p<0.005 and p<0.001, respectively).
Conclusion and recommendation: Postoperative care program in combine with medical
treatment reduced leg pain and yielded beneficial effects on some aspects of postoperative
functional performance among lumbar spine surgery.
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