Student Nurse’s Clinical Learning Environment: Clinical Teachers’ Perspective

The study attempted to answer the following research questions; what factors influence student nurses’ clinical learning
during their clinical practice allocation and how does clinical learning environment influence student
nurses learning? A phenomenological approach methodology was used to conduct
the study. Eight clinical teachers at Rusangu University in Monze participated in
study. The findings showed that study participants provided teaching and learning
support to student nurses on attachment and integrated theory into practice by either
discussing conditions or observing and demonstrating procedures when students were
in the clinical areas. They also stated that communication was also good among the
school staff and students. The study revealed that students face challenges during
students’ placements in their respective clinical sites. The main challenges included
lack of medical surgical supplies, equipment and stationary s and students congesting
the ward coming from different schools of nursing. This made teaching and learning
for student’s difficulty. The study suggests a necessity to use to look into the
challenges faced by the clinical teachers in order to facilitate learning in clinical
practice and creating a conducive clinical learning environment.
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