Exploring the Health Effects of Gender Based Violence on Female Survivors: A Case of Chipata City in Zambia

Social and cultural beliefs in different
communities of Zambia have continued to perpetrate Gender Based Violence and this
has affected victims in many ways. The impact of GBV has led to an increase in morbidity
and mortality rates globally after its physical, mental, emotional and social inflictions
on the victims. This has placed a cost on the quality of life as lifestyle changes
occur. Therefore, the aim of this study was to establish the socio-cultural factors
that are associated with Gender Based Violence in Chipata City. This study adopted an explorative mixed method design. The study
sequentially collected quantitative and qualitative data. Responses were gotten
from 381 respondents. The sample was deduced from 1,922 female victims were
registered from 2014 to 2016 at the GBV One Stop Centre. The discussions about the study revealed
that and weak community support, poor relationships, alcohol and poverty, are among
the major contributing factors to GBV. The major health effects could be either
physical implications like a loss of an organ after assault, unwanted pregnancies
and STI infections. Most of these findings were attributed to the spouses/partners.
Sensitization, in this case, could be the answer to curb the incidences of GBV.
In conclusion, the study explored
the experiences female survivors in Chipata city have had following Gender Based
Violence. Socio-cultural and economic factors have had a major impact in enhancing
GBV and victims mentioned that poverty, substance abuse and inactive law enforcement
directly fueled the acts of violence. The key recommendation is massive sensitization
about GBV and reinforcing laws to strengthen the curbing of violence.
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