Effectiveness of A Planned Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Safety and First Aid Measures on Selected Emergency Conditions among School Teachers in Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Children are the future of
every country and all societies strive to ensure their health and safety. Most of
the accidents occur among the children during the age group of 5 to14, when they
spend most of their time in the school campus. Children ages 5 to 14 account for
nearly 40 percent of all sports-related injuries treated in hospitals. An average
of the rate and severity of injury increases with a child's age. Injuries are responsible
for nearly half of all sports injuries to middle and high school students. The aims
of first aid are to preserve and protect life, prevent further injury or deterioration
of illness and help to promote recovery. So, first aid training is necessary to
protect the child and promote the recovery period thus to reduce the injury in schools.
In this study, a research design selected was one group pre-test and post-test design
which belongs to the quasi-experimental design. The samples of the study comprised
all teachers working in the selected high schools and those who are fulfilling the
inclusion criteria and 51 high school teachers selected in Simple Random Sampling Technique. The finding
of the study overall knowledge of high school teachers reveals that 73.6% of subjects
had moderately adequate knowledge, 19.4% of subjects had inadequate knowledge, and
only 5.9% of subjects had adequate knowledge. After the planned teaching program,
the overall improvement means the score was 26.6 with a standard deviation of 1.08.
The paired “t” test value was -22.96 which is highly significant at p<0.001.
The conclusion of the study planned teaching program was effective thus to improve
the teacher’s knowledge and apply that while any crisis occurs in the school premises.
Planned Teaching Programme, Safety, First Aid Measures, Knowledge, Emergency
Conditions, School Teachers
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