Assess the Knowledge of Primi Post Natal Mothers Regarding Perineal Hygiene after Delivery in Selected Hospital Odisha

everywhere begins with women. Women as one half of the population have a tremendous
role to play in the dynamic process of social change. She has repeated pregnancies
and her circumstances are disadvantaged where the basic amnesties are not within
her Economical and social needs. There is water shortage which depletes her access
to promote hygiene measures wearing clean cloths, perineal care during the puerperium.
The second most common direct cause is infection, which is responsible for late
postpartum deaths so perineal hygiene has most significant role among post-natal
mothers. A descriptive design with a non-experimental
approach as considered appropriate for the present study. A structured interview schedule was structured
to assess the knowledge of primi postnatal mothers regarding perineal hygiene after
delivery. The data was analysed by calculating Mean and standard deviation was used
to identify the Knowledge of primi postnatal mothers. The Chi-square test was to
find out association between knowledge of primi postnatal mothers and selected demographic
variables & level of significance was set at 5% level. The finding of the study
Maximum 53% of mothers got Poor score (21%-40%) and minimum 0% of mothers obtained
Good score (61%-80%),47% of mothers obtained Average score (21%-40%) and not even
single mother score Very Poor (0%- 20%) and Very Good (81% - 100%). The conclusion of the study knowledge of primi postnatal mothers
needs to be updated and improved related to health services.
Keywords: Assess, Knowledge, Primi Postnatal Mothers, Perineal
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