Challenges and Future Vision to Improve Nursing Practice- A Systematic Review

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJNR.2015.05.02.Art005

Authors : Nahid Khalil Elfaki


Background: Quality nursing care improves health outcomes, but quality nursing care cannot be provided without good vision. The aim: for this review was to identifying the future nursing vision along with challenges and how to overcome them Methodology: It was a literature review in which meta-analysis were utilized. A total of 181 articles related to the review title were accessed. After secondary reviewing, only thirty-three studies were included in the systematic review and meta-analysis during the period from November, 2018 up to February, 2019. The databases that used were PubMed, Google Scholar, SAGE and Academic Search Complete Magazines and journals (EBSCO). Results: The most cited future nursing vision was to improve health globally by raising the profile and status of nurses worldwide. For achieving this vision, there were some major challenges should be overcome. These challenges and obstacles had been categorized into six major groups which were financial, educational and training, clinical and working environment, technological, social and environmental determinants and multi-sectoral approach.

Keywords: Future vision, Nursing, Nursing practices, Challenges.


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