Quality of Life of Thalassemic Children and the Assessment of Effectiveness of Health Care Package in Terms of Knowledge for the Parents on Care of Thalassemic Children

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJNR.2015.SE.19.01.Art012

Authors : Shalini Baskaran, Shalini Baskaran


A study “To assess the quality of life of thalassemic children and to seek its association with selected factors with a view to evaluate the effectiveness of health care package in terms of knowledge for the parents on care of thalassemic children in selected hospital of Delhi”.

The objectives of the study were to (1) assess the quality of life of thalassemic children (2) identify the factors associated with quality of life of thalassemia- general health, physical functioning, behavioral functioning, social and family functioning, emotional functioning, cognitive functioning (3) seek the relationship between selected demographic factors and quality of life of thalassemia –age ,sex, educational status of children, duration of illness of children, type of family, area, number of transfusions, number of affected siblings, Hb % level, parents occupation, parents income (4) develop health care package for parents on care of thalassemic children. (5) assess the effectiveness of health care package for parents on care of thalassemic children before and after giving pretest and post-test.


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