Survey to Determine the Pre- service Student Nurses’ Perspective of Quality Nursing Care at Rusangu University-Lusaka Campus

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJNR.2015.SE.19.01.Art008

Authors : Himoonga Mulenga


The quality care concept in the health care delivery system continues to remain elusive and subjective despite many theories and models of nursing care provision that were developed many decades ago. Those endeavoring to understand and engage in quality improvements require an in-depth understanding of the various views from key stakeholders of the health care services. This particular survey focused on the aspect of nursing care recipients (novice student nurses) that were particularly engaged to solicit their views on the quality of the current nursing care services in the Zambian health care institutions. Respondents expressed their views as experienced in different institutions where they were attended to at one point in time. Aim: The study aimed at determining the novice student nurses’ perception of quality nursing care. Design: Purposive sampling of pre-nursing students was done to identify and select the appropriate sample to constitute the study. The total number of students sampled was sixteen and only eight returned the questionnaires. The apparently apathetic low response by the respondents could be attributed to the coinciding of the data collection and the end of term final examinations. Tools: A self-administered structured questionnaire was utilized to collect data. Ethical considerations: Permission was sort from Rusangu administration to conduct this study and an informed consent was given to each participant to sign before engaging them in the study. The purpose and objectives of the study were explained to the participants before carrying out the study. Results: Results indicated that 62% of the respondents did not approve of the quality of care they received from the nurses during their encounter with the health care system. The respondents listed elements which they thought could have constituted their care at the time of their last encounter with the nursing services at the hospital. They preferred to be treated in a holistic and individualized approach characterized by respect, love, kindness, good communication, trusting relationship, good interpersonal relationship, in a clean environment and being nursed by staff who engaged in continuing education. Recommendations: Study should be conducted at a larger scale to enable generalization of results and there was need to conduct a comparative study of both the health care provider’s and client perspective of quality care provision so that the two views would guide the development of a care framework.

Keywords: Quality, nursing, caring, novice, perspective.


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