Texila Advanced Journal of Multidisciplinary Health Research
DOI : 10.21522./TAJMHR.2016
Texila Advanced Journal of Multidisciplinary Health Research(TAJMHR) is an endeavor by Texila American University (TAU), Guyana, South America to accelerate the research in Multidisciplinary Health Research. TAJMHR is a peer-reviewed, half yearly publication by TAU. The articles will be published after they have been peer reviewed.
Aim & Scope
1. To maintain the highest standards of editorial integrity
2. To improve health, health care and health education,
internationally by elevating the quality of medical care, disease prevention,
and research
3. To publish original, important, well-documented, peer-reviewed
articles on basic medical sciences
4. To provide doctors with continuing education in basic
science to support clinical decisions
5. To enable physicians to remain informed in multiple areas of basic
medical science, including developments in the field of health education.
6. To achieve the highest level of ethical medical journalism and to
produce a publication that is timely, credible, and enjoyable to read.