Efficacy of Sympathetic Radiofrequency in CRPS 1 Satellite Ganglion Block VS T2-T3 Sympathetic Block

Background: This study is performed to evaluate the treatment of complex
regional pain syndrome CRPS type 1 with radiofrequency thermo coagulation of
stellate ganglion block and T2-T3 sympathetic block.
Material and methods: We performed diagnostic stellate
ganglion block in all patient with CRPS TYPE 1 in one hand. Those patients
reduce 50% in pain score e.g. VAS SCORE, was considered for RF stelleate
ganglion block after 1 week and this is GROUP 1. Those patients reduce less
than 50% pain score was considered for diagnostic T2-T3 sympathetic block after
1 week. Those patients reduce 50% in pain score e.g. VAS SCORE, was considered
for RF T2-T3 sympathetic block after 1 week and this is GROUP 2. Pain intensity
using a visual analog score also assessed usage of analgesic dosages before and
after RF in both groups.
Results: Treatment produced a significant decrease in pain score, VAS
value in both groups and significant reduce the dosages of analgesic drugs in
both groups.
Conclusion: The study of these 17 patients shows that there is chance of
inadequate pain relief after satisfactory stellate ganglion block because of
KUNTZ’S nerve and giving T2-T3 sympathetic block among this gives good pain
relief. Also RF in stellate ganglion and T2-T3 sympathetic ganglion block gives
long term pain relief and decrease analgesic dosages and thus improves quality
of life.
Complex regional pain syndrome type 1, Stellate
ganglion block, T2-T3 sympathetic block, RF-radiofrequency, VAS score, analgesic
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