Effects of diabetic education on blood pressure, blood urea, creatinine and fasting sugarby diabetic patients in central hospital Nampula

Background: The Global report from the World Health
Organization (WHO), published in 2016, estimated that 422 million of the adult population
lives with diabetes the number of diabetic patients has dramatically increased 4
times over in the adult population.
Methods: This is Interventional study, 648 of the participants of diabetes mellitus
in out-patient diabetic clinic in hospital central Nampula, the participants taken
according to inclusion and exclusion criteria, completed the pre-test at baseline
and post-test after the second follow up session of education, during each session
of education blood pressure, urea, creatinine were recorded. Education commenced
with instruction in groups of each session followed by individual advice sessions
for each patient with different specialists.
Results: The
present study found that educational intervention of diabetes was highly effective
to improve blood pressure from baseline mean of 131.02/71.73 mmHg second follow up 120.95/68.79
mmHg with standard deviation of baseline 24.35 mmHg/14.66 mmHgto
second follow up 19.95 mmHg/11.33 mmHg, blood urea and serum creatinine significantly decreased
from baseline in the second follow up (P
<. 001). A post hoc Turkey test on blood
pressure, blood urea and serum creatinine when compared with dependent variable
fasting blood sugar found significantly (P=. 05) at baseline, at first follow up
(P=. 005) and at second follow up (P=. 005).
Conclusion: The
present study found that educational intervention was highly effective in controlling
blood pressure, blood urea and creatinine among participants of diabetes mellitus.
Keywords: Diabetes
Mellitus, blood pressure, blood urea and creatinine, effect education, control,
and participants
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