Dietary Practices of the Working Group of Persons as Compared to the Non-Working Persons in Relation to the Prevalence of Hypercholesterolemia at the West Demerara Regional Hospital

Objective: To
investigate whether the working or the non-working group of individuals have
higher blood cholesterol as a result of an unhealthy dietary lifestyle.
and Methods: In 1000 adults (240 males and 760
females) aged 18-75 years were randomly selected for this study, and all
subjects would have visited the WDRH. The total cholesterol levels were
measured using a ChemWell chemistry analyzer and the eating habits were
assessed by self-administered questionnaires.
The results indicated that 64% of the working as
compared to 69% non-working respondents was hypercholesterolemic. The
non-working respondents (26%) snacked more for 5 times or more a week and
consumed higher amounts of high dietary animal fats and proteins daily (21%). However,
more working respondents ate out (10% for breakfast 5-6 times a week, 33% for
lunch and 13% for dinner once a week), skipped meals (for breakfast 13% and
lunch 5%) and were also greatly affected. Further, the working respondents also
consumed more alcohol frequently (16%), increasing the anti-atherogenic effects
and they were also more fairly knowledgeable (51%) about hypercholesterolemia.
The non-working respondents had higher levels of
total cholesterol than the working respondents. Hypercholesterolemia in both
the working and non-working respondents was favorably associated with eating
habits and partially knowledge of respondents. There should be further research
to assess the dietary lifestyle risk factors associated with this condition.
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