Diabetic Mellitus in Opd of Central Hospital Nampula

OBJECTIVE—The goal of this study was
to estimate the prevalence of diabetes and complications of the number of people
of all ages with diabetes those got attended in OPD of Diabetes of Hospital central
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—Data on diabetes prevalence
limited 24 patient randomly selected of OPD of central Hospital Nampula. Patients
were taken information regarding Identification, history & physical examinations.
There were used results of Investigations of hematological, biochemistry etc, Radiologic
examination if needed, Monofilament test, Tunic fork, ophthalmoscope, blood pressure
apparatus, Glucometer.
RESULTS— During evolution of patient
of OPD of Diabetes in Central Hospital Nampula found, DM 1 was less than 15 years
of age group and DM 2 start from age 31 and picks age 46 to 60 years. There was
male sex had higher % of DM it also related to culture as male was more sedentary
life style did manual work and women were used to do house work which taken physical
work. There were profession which involved life style sedentary, high calories intake,
rich in economy professors and student, Urbanization also was one factor which responsible
for development of Diabetes. There were most common complication Diabetic Neuropathy
and impotency but less common Diabetic Retinopathy and Nephropathy.
CONCLUSIONS—Which suggest improvement
of facility of diagnosis various complication, education of patient availability
of drugs, adherence of treatment, awareness of general population and professional
regarding Diabetes mellitus in Nampula.
Keywords: DM1, DM2, BP, OPD, GDM,
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