Level of awareness versus level of participation in the HIV/AIDS response among Non-formal health care providers in Nigeria; a comparative study

Background: Large portion of Nigeria’s population
use the services of non-formal health care providers like patent medicine
vendors (PMV) and traditional birth attendants (TBA), seeing that 65% of
deliveries in Nigeria occur in such non-formal health setting. Though studies
demonstrate increase in HIV/AID awareness among PMV/TBAs there is yet an
unclear evidence of their level of participation in the HIV/AIDS response, even
as health financing and engagement of these private sector becomes important
implementation research question in Nigeria. This study aims to compare level
of awareness versus level of participation of the non-formal health care
providers in the HIV/AIDS response in Nigeria.
Method: By cross-sectional design, questionnaire
was used to get responses from 210 PMVs and 135 TBAs across 6 Local Government
Areas in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Responses were analyzed using percentages and
frequency distribution.
Results: Mean age is 34 years. Highest education
level was secondary school at 59%. HIV/AIDS awareness level was >80% but
participation was at 48%.
Conclusion: HIV Awareness
has increased among TBA/PMV but their participation level in HIV/AIDS response
is still low. Integration of this group into public health sector could
increase participation.
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