Updated Clinical Importance of LV Diastolic Dysfunction and role of modern Echocardiography

In this review, we discussed about updated concept about diastolic dysfunction
of left ventricle and mechanism behind the diastolic heart failure with normal Ejection
fraction of LV using modern and advanced non-invasive technique of 2D Echocardiography.
In actual way, the invasive data
obtained from cardiac catheterization is considered the gold-standard to study LV
filling pressures and LV pressure volume curves. 2D Echocardiography
with advanced technology is useful, affordable and more convenient to the patients
those who have Hypertension, diabetes, thyroid disorders, infiltrative, restrictive
or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, valvular disorders, pericarditis, severe pulmonary
hypertension and pre and post operative procedures. We can differentiate diastolic
heart failure from systolic heart failure based on parameters such as increased
myocardial stiffness, delayed isovolumic relaxation, increased LV filling pressure
and decreased LV Compliance but preserved LV Ejection fraction or systolic function
when patients present with dyspnoea on exertion or worsen heart failure.
Keywords-2D Echocardiography, diastolic functions, heart failure,
advanced diastology.
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