Trisomy 21 and Diabetes: Assessing the Risk of Diabetes in Persons with Down’s Syndrome < 20 Years in Special Schools in Guyana

is correlation between Down syndrome and Type 1 Diabetes (T1DM). Many researchers
have fuelled this concept by chromosomal analysis, anatomical and physiological
analysis aand has provided support by assessing
the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) in persons with Down Syndrome. The objective of this study was to
provide information of the risk of DM in persons under the age of 20 years with
Down Syndrome
and the awareness of caregivers (parents/guardians and teachers) of Down syndrome
children on the potential development of T1DM in those children. The study was conducted
with the use of two groups involving children with Down Syndrome and their caregivers. Questionnaires were distributed to
the caregivers and a rrandom
blood glucose analysis was performed on the children using the glucose oxidase method. The results show that
38% of Down syndrome children were at risk of becoming diabetic having blood glucose
levels above 140mg/dl. The mean blood glucose in this study was 141.2mg/dl. Children
6-10 years had the highest mean blood glucose levels (143 mg/dl). Males
had greater proportion (14%) of very high blood glucose as compared to females (4%).
Children whose parents/guardians answered yes to monitoring their diet had a high
blood glucose level mirroring those that were not monitored. Caregivers were also
not aware of the predisposition to diabetes. The results have indicated that the
situation requires attention from parents, the schools and the Ministry of Health and
Education in Guyana and in turn they have to address this problem as soon as a child
is born and diagnosed with Down syndrome
so as to combat the potential situation from the inception.
for index: Trisomy- 21, Down syndrome, Glucose,
Children, Guyana, Type 1 diabetes mellitus.
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