Bionic Eye – A Review

darkness of the night is broken by the brightness of the sun and people worship
sun for this. Similarly, providing even a flicker of light to a person who has
lost his/her sight is one of the greatest miracles a doctor can perform. Bionic
Eye- visual prosthetic devices serve this purpose and helps to restore some kind
of visual perception in patients with retinal pathologies like retinitis
pigmentosa and age related macular degeneration. The inception of this idea
dates back to the 18th century but the recent advances in
electronics, robotics and other technologies has helped in materializing the
idea. The basic function of the device is to receive the images using a camera,
convert it to electric signals and eventually stimulate the left-over healthier
parts of the visual pathway. There are various kinds of devices based on the
position of implants. Each of them have varied advantages. Understanding the
existing systems would help in improvising them or in finding better systems to
serve the same purpose.
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