Clinical Pattern and Outcome of Intrauterine Growth Retardation (IUGR) Babies admitted in the Sick Neonatal Nursery (SNN) of a Tertiary Care Centre in South Tamilnadu, India

Introduction: Intra-Uterine Growth Retardation (IUGR) is failure
to attain optimal intrauterine growth. Next to preterm birth, IUGR is the
second leading cause of perinatal mortality. As many as 53% of preterm
stillbirths and 26% of term stillbirths are growth restricted. Given the immediate and
long-term implications of IUGR and its high prevalence in India, a focus on
IUGR is both rational and strategic.
Objectives: 1) To study the Clinical pattern and outcome of
IUGR babies and their Outcome during hospital stay. 2) To find out the Factors
associated with Morbidity and Mortality of IUGR babies.
Methodology: This Cross sectional Descriptive Study was carried
out in the Department of Pediatrics, Sick Neonatal Nursery(SNN) ward,
Department of Pediatrics, Tirunelveli Medical College Hospital. 120 babies were
selected by systematic random sampling. The socio- demographic and antenatal
characteristics were collected by interviewing the mother using a structured
proforma. The outcome measures like morbidity pattern and condition at
discharge were quantified.
Results: Of 120 IUGR babies 22 (18.3%) are Preterm babies and
98 (81.7%) are Term babies. Hypoglycemia
(63.3%) and Perinatal Asphyxia (45.0%), Sepsis (33.3%), Hypocalcaemia (30.0%),
Hypothermia (28.3%) and Thrombocytopenia (25.0%) are the common
complications. 22 (18.3%) have died at hospital and 98 (81.7%) have been discharged. Perinatal
asphyxia and Meconium Aspiration are significantly associated with abnormal
neurological examination at Discharge. Lower gestational age, Normal delivery
and Lower weight of the baby are the statistically significant risk factors
associated with mortality.
Conclusion: Hypoglycemia
and Perinatal Asphyxia are the commonest complications of IUGR.
Perinatal asphyxia, Meconium Aspiration, Gestational age, Delivery category and
Weight of the baby are significant risk factors associated with morbidity and
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