A Survey on Ethnomedicinal Plants of Pechipparai Hills, Southern Western Ghats of Tamilnadu, Kanyakumari District

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMD.2013.04.01.Art013

Authors : J.Carolin Joe Rosario


The present ethno-medicinal study was carried out at 3 localities of Pechipparai hills of Southern Western Ghats of Tamilnadu, Kanyakumari district. Frequent field visits were made throughout the study period from 2012-2013. Data presented here are based on personal observations and interviews with informants like medicine men and village head men. In this context the Kani people has rich and abundant terminology. It is common that most of the medicinal plants have their own secret, for many safeguard their specialized knowledge. During the present course of investigation, a total 50 medicinal plant species were distributed across eighteen families and fifty genera. The result of the present study provide evidence that medicinal plants continue to play an important role in the health care system used by tribal community. Documentation of this knowledge is valuable for the communities and their future generations.


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