Biofilm: Contributing Factor to Drug Resistance in Staphylococci in Blood Stream Infections

Staphylococci represent the most
commonly encountered blood culture isolates from ICU patients. Slime production
is considered to be a significant virulence factor for some strains of
Staphylococci. The importance of the role played by slime is further increased
by its frequent association to reduced antibiotic susceptibility. This study
was done to find out relationship of Bio-Film formation on the susceptibility
pattern of the isolates. 27.6% of the isolates produced biofilm as detected by Congo
Red Agar method; commonest being Staphylococcus epidermidis (53.9%). The percentage of resistance in the group
which produces biofilm is always greater than the group which does not produce
biofilm. Odds ratio for overall drug resistance was 2.10 (with 95% confidence
interval as [1.6 – 2.6]) and with a p-value of 0.006.
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