Case Report - Aniridia Lens with Manual Sutureless Medium Incision Cataract Surgery – Big Size, Big Surprise

ocular trauma frequently causes combined lens and iris tissue injury resulting in
traumatic cataract, ectopia lentis, corneal irregularities, traumatic aniridia
or irideremia which can be complete or partial, hypoplasia of the iris and loss
of iris diaphragm function. The management of patients with co-existing
traumatic iris deficiencies and cataract is often challenging due to its
heterogeneity, complexity and various associated ocular pathologies. The chief
complaints may include photophobia, cosmetic defect, impaired vision and depth
of focus. The current various technical options for the treatment of aniridia
include iris diaphragm lenses, segmental prosthetic iris devices, flexible iris
prosthesis and tinted or painted contact lens /intraocular lens.
report a case of 44 year old male operated for coexisting traumatic cataract and
aniridia by manual sutureless medium incision cataract surgery (MSMICS) and
aniridia intraocular lens implantation.