An Assessment of Primary Health Care in Kosofe Local Government Area of Lagos State

The study set out
to assess Primary Health Care in Kosofe Local Government Area of Lagos State :
It identified the roles played by Kosofe Local Government in the management of
PHC in the area: determined the effects of PHC programmes on the lives of the
people and communities in the Local Government Area.: and also, examined the
problems militating against successful management of the programme.
Primary data were
collected through the use of questionnaire and interview method. Sixty (60)
copies questionnaire were administered on both health service providers and
health care beneficiaries in the Local Government in order of twenty (20) for
the health care providers and forty (40) for the health care beneficiaries
.Nineteen(19) respondents were also interviewed: six (6) health care
providers-The Community Health Officer (CHO), two (2) Nurses, 1 Health
Educator, Health Attendants and a Community Health Extension Workers
(CHEW);thirteen (13) from the health care beneficiaries -4 Pregnant Women,4
Nursing Mothers,3 Students and 2 Market Women. Secondary data were sourced from
relevant textbooks, internet and journals. The data were analyzed using
frequency distribution, tables and simple percentages.
The findings of the
study show that Primary Health Care is the major service provided by the Local
Government as indicated in the analysis where 65% of the respondents strongly
agreed to,86% of respondents also agreed that PHC’s services have effects over
their lives positively,58% of the respondents claimed that poor funding is a
major problem of PHC etc.
The study concluded
that Primary Health Care (PHC) delivery in Kosofe L.G.A is not yet
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