Measles, a Diminishing Threat to Child Devlopment in Northern Region of Ghana

This research is aimed at assessing the level of threat
measles infection has on child development in northern region of Ghana and its
impact on child health in recent times.
AND SAMPLING: A sample size of 20 health
professionals, comprising 15 Public Health Nurses and 5 Family Physicians were
used. A convenient and purposive sampling method was used to gather data
through interviews and from primary information sources. Data was analysed
using Microsoft excel and word processing.
The results show that the threat of measles infection in northern region is
significantly reduced, recording three confirmed cases in 2011. The diminishing
trend was
acclaimed to be attributable
to high level of cooperation from parents‘ willingness to send their
out for vaccination and improved living standards of many Ghanaians, among
others. These reasons notwithstanding, measles infection is still fluctuating
from year to year.
Though the disease is fast diminishing, it still has a potential to escalate
given that it shot from zero confirmed cases from 2010 to three confirmed cases
in 2011.
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