An Assessment of the Rate And Predisposing Factors to the Development of Breast Abscess among Lactating Mothers in the Batibo Health District, North West Region, Cameroon
breast abscess is a painful, debilitating condition that if inappropriately
managed, may lead women to discontinue breastfeeding prematurely. This study
assessed the rate and predisposing factors to development of breast abscesses among
100 women in the Batibo Health District.
structured questionnaire was used to collect socio-demographic and other data
which was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS),
version 16.0; SPSS inc. 38 of the 100 women were found to have had breast
abscess giving a rate of 38%. Premature cessation of breastfeeding, refusal to
breastfeed, excessive weight gain during pregnancy, and abrupt method of
weaning were the major predisposing factors identified. Thus, breast abscesses
occur among lactating mothers in the Batibo Health District.
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