Return of Menstruation and Perceived Risk of Pregnancy among Exclusive Breastfeeding Women in South West Nigeria: Implications for Timely Introduction of Active Contraception

This study was conducted among 500 exclusively
breast-feeding women in Ife Central Local Government Area, Osun State, Nigeria.
The objectives of the study are to assess the pattern of resumption of
menstruation, identify the determinants of variations in the resumption of menstruation
and determine the proportion of women at risk of pregnancy. Quantitative data was
collected using semi- structured interviewer administered questionnaire. Data entry
and analysis was done using SPSS (version 20). Univariate, bivariate and multivariate
analyses done. Chi-Square were used where appropriate. P value was set at < 0.05
Four sessions of Focus Group Discussion were held. Results
showed that 50 % were sexually
active 125 (25%) were using Modern Contraceptive which included Condom (75); IUCD
(25); Injectables (25); Implanon (10). Majority relied on Lactational amenorrhea
method 375 (75%). Unplanned Pregnancy occurred among those 4 women not on contraception.
Three-quarter of the primiparous women breastfed their babies every 2-3 hours day
and night. Majority of multiparous women breast feed mostly on demand. Only increasing
age and parity is positively associated with early resumption of menses. In conclusion
increasing age and increasing parity increases risks of
early menstrual resumption.
menstrual resumption, pregnancy risk.
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