Efficacy of T2-T3 Thoracic Sympathetic Block for Management of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 1

Background: This study is performed to evaluate
the efficacy of radiofrequency ablation of T2-T3 Thoracic Sympathetic block for
pain management of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 1.
Material and Methodology: We performed first stellate ganglion
block for all patients in CRPS1. Those patients who have reduce pain score less
than 50% was considered for diagnostic T2-T3 Thoracic Sympathetic Block. We had
done Radiofrequency Ablation in patients who have pain relief more than 50% pain
relief in diagnostic T2-T3 block. We have recorded to VAS pain score and requirement
of analgesic dose of drugs among patients before and after Radiofrequency Ablation.
Results: Treatment produced a significant reduction
in pain score, VAS value and significantly reduce in dose of analgesic drugs.
Conclusions: The study of 18 patients shows that
T2-T3 thoracic sympathetic block is effective in CRPS 1 who has inadequate pain
relief in stellate ganglion block. Radiofrequency Ablation gives long term pain
relief and decrease dosages of analgesic drugs.
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