Demographic and Clinical Profile of Acute Coronary Syndromes in Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Patients

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMD.2013.07.01.Art008

Authors : Colin Alphonse


Diabetes is a significant risk factor for ACS and adds to the overall burden of cardiovascular disease. This study was done to compare clinical and demographic features and signs and symptoms of ACS, diagnosed by history, ECG, Cardiac enzymes markers among Type 2 diabetic patients and non-diabetic patients. This cross-sectional study was conducted at jubilee memorial hospital and Dr SM CSI medical college, trivandum. The study population included 93 patients with DM and 107 subjects without DM as controls from the department of General medicine. Detailed history, anthropometry and clinical examination were recorded from all patients and Profile of ACS was compared between the two groups. Out of 93 diabetic patients, 67.7% (n63) had STEMI while compared to nondiabetic (51.4%, n55) patients and 32.2% (n30) had NSTEMI/UA compared to non-diabetic (48.6%, n52) patients. There is statistically significant association between STEMI and diabetes mellitus. (P value is 0.019). In our study smoking increased the mortality in diabetic patients (p value .013). There was no significant association between dyslipidemia and diabetes mellitus (p value .077) even though higher proportion of patients with diabetes mellitus had dyslipidemia. It was concluded that incidence of STEMI is significantly more in diabetic patients compared to non-diabetic patient in our study. High prevalence of diabetes mellitus among ACS patients were observed and this study also shown that smoking increased the mortality in diabetic patients. Dyslipidemia in diabetic patient is more when compared to non-diabetic patients even though statistically not significant in this study group.



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