A Cross Sectional Survey of Nurses’ Responses to Vital Sign Values in a University Teaching Hospital

Background: Studies have shown that there were documented evidences of abnormal vital
signs, without appropriate clinicians and nurses responses. We thus investigate
the knowledge, and how nurses intend to respond to different combinations of vital
signs values.
Methods: This study was carried out in Ladoke Akintola University
of Technology Teaching Hospital Ogbomoso. Questionnaires were sent out to nurses
to obtain relevant data regarding interpretation of vital sign values.
Results: Eighty questionnaires were analysed. The mean age of the
respondents was 36.4 (±5.27) years. Nineteen (23.75%) respondents got correctly
the normal range for all the vital signs and oxygen saturation. Seven (8.75%) respondents
knew that pulse rate is the earliest vital sign to change in most deteriorating
patients. Fifty-nine (73.75%) respondents considered oxygen saturation as reliable
indicator of respiratory functions. Most respondents (78.73%) would not consider
oxygen support until saturation fall below 90%. Seventy-five (93.75%) respondents
could not identify correctly patients at risk of deterioration based on different
combinations of set of vital sign values, SpO2 and level of consciousness.
Sixty-seven (83.75%) rated themselves to have good to excellent knowledge on vital
signs and its interpretation, however, only 9 (11.25%) respondents have good comprehensive
knowledge on interpretation of vital signs.
Conclusion: Majority of the respondents could not interpret vital sign
values correctly. We suggest need for continuous nursing education to bridge this
Keywords: Vital signs, interpretation, nurses, and responses.
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