Magnitude of behavioural Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Diseases among Medical and Dental College Students in Andhra Pradesh, India

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally:
17.5 million die each year from CVDs, an estimated 31% of all deaths world-wide.
Among these more than 75% deaths occur in the low- and middle-income countries.1
On 22nd September 2016 World Health Organization (WHO) and partners launched
a new initiative “Global Hearts” which aims to beat back the global threat of cardiovascular
diseases including heart attacks and strokes.2 Tobacco use an unhealthy
diet, and physical inactivity increase the risk. So, we made an attempt to estimate
the magnitude of behavioural risk factors which is vital for planners and policy
makers to formulate appropriate and locally suitable interventions.
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Global atlas on cardiovascular disease prevention and control. Available from:
(Accessed on July 23rd, 2017).
WHO Global Hearts initiative Available
from: (Accessed on July 23rd, 2017).