Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Secondary School Students and their Knowledge and Perceptions of Asthma in Ile Ife, South- West, Nigeria

understanding of asthma can result in under- utilisation of available health
services and reduced adherence to medications which ultimately leads to poorly
controlled asthma and negatively impacts quality of life. Studies of
association between asthma knowledge and asthma perceptions with socio-
demographic variables (such as age, class level, ethnicity, religion, familial
experiences) with and without health education intervention in Nigeria are
sparse. The study identifies socio- demographic factors associated with
knowledge and perceptions of asthma at the pre- test and post- test health
education intervention among the secondary school students of Ile- Ife, Osun
State, and South-West, Nigeria. It is a quasi- experimental design study which
used a pre-tested 71- item, purpose designed, self-administered questionnaire
to collect information on socio-demographic variables, knowledge and
perceptions of the respondents on asthma before and after intervention. Data
was collated and analyzed using appropriate descriptive and inferential study
design. The results of this study showed that there were significant
associations between posttest knowledge and variables of class level and
religion. Another finding was that ethnicity showed a significant association
between pretest perception score of the participants. It also showed there was
a significant association between posttest perceptions and class level of the
participants. We concluded that health education intervention influenced the
association between certain socio- demographic variables (such as class level,
religion and ethnicity) deployed in this study and the knowledge and
perceptions of asthma among secondary school students in Ile- Ife, South- West,
Asthma; Knowledge; Perceptions; Socio-Demographic variables.
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