Effect of Planned Exercise on Serum Biomarkers in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Objectives: To study the influence of planned exercise
training in COPD patients on serum biomarkers - plasma fibrinogen, CRP, albumin.
Methods: This is a hospital based randomized control
trial conducted in a tertiary care teaching hospital in northern Kerala from January
2016 to September 2017. 40 patients of COPD (GOLD category C& D) who are more
than 40 years of age and without any serious other systemic diseases are divided
equally into intervention and control group by random allocation. Both groups are
given standard pharmacological treatment and the intervention group was taught about
planned exercises which include purse lip breathing and diaphragmatic breathing
and lower limb exercises to increase strength and stamina 25 times a day in morning
and evening 5 days a week. All patients will be followed up for one year. Plasma
fibrinogen, CRP, albumin were measured every 3 months during this one year follow
up during stable disease.
Results and discussion: Present study had shown a significant improvement in biomarkers that
include CRP, plasma fibrinogen and albumin.
Conclusion: The study concludes that there is an improvement
in level of biomarkers following planned exercises.
Keywords: biomarkers, COPD, pulmonary rehabilitation, plasma
fibrinogen, CRP, albumin.
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